Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One Month Old!

Has it really been one month already?  Jude is growing so fast before our eyes!  I wish there was some way to slow him down.  He's much more alert now and he's got quite an appetite!  He's also falling into a nice little sleep routine at night.  He eats around 10 before I go to sleep.  Then he wakes to eat and get a new diaper at 1 am and again at 4:30/5:00.  Then we get a little more rest until Bennet gets up.

Jude's diaper rash is clearing up, but it took a lot of experimentation to find a solution for his sensitive tushy!!  The regular diaper cream only made his bum worse and the prescription did nothing!  So now, every diaper change includes spraying his bum with water and wiping with a clean cloth, then he gets his bum washed off in baking soda and warm water.  He then lays butt up for 5-10 minutes to dry off and air out.  After that, I slather on  extra-virgin raw coconut oil and pure lanolin.  A cloth diaper (unbleached cotton only) rounds out our routine!  A bit high maintenance, I'll admit, but it works!!

Since I'm nursing at the keyboard (again), I'll leave you all here with just a little sample of the cuteness we've been seeing around the house lately!


Bellamama said...

Oooh how sweet is that! Adorable picture of your boys. Bennett is such a good big brother.

Michelle said...

Glad you solved the diaper rash problem! I will keep your treatment plan in mind in case I have another rashy baby and my Motherlove fails to work this time.