Monday, April 27, 2009

35 weeks down, 35 DAYS to go!

Hard to believe, but Squiddy will be considered full-term in just 2 short weeks! He's definitely running out of room in there. I get very few big kicks and rolls these days and more pushes and stretches. He's also been getting the hiccups aabout 2-3 times every day! I've got another appointment tomorrow, possibly the last one here in Iwakuni. I should be getting tested for group B strep. Other than that, the appointment should be the standard weight, blood pressure, fundal height, and heartbeat routine. Maybe she'll throw in an internal, just for kicks and giggles.

According to the all-knowing internet, Squids is just about 19 inches and 6 lbs now. It certainly feels like he ways more than a measly 6 pounds though! I'm really quite sure that if he grows another ounce, my belly is going to burst. I had to buy another round of maternity clothes. Partly because of the change in season, but mainly because nothing was covering the bottom portion of my belly anymore. I have grown partial to a particular dress someone passed along to me. Tim calls it a muu muu and bursts into laughter everytime I waddle out of our bedroom in it, but I could care less! It fits, it's comfy, and I stopped caring about how hot I looked when I stopped being able to reach my ankles to shave them.

We've all but finished our spring cleaning -- just little things left here and there. I've started cooking and freezing meals. So far, I've got about 3 done and I plan to do a few more. I know I'm going to be lazy when we get back, and I'm sure I'll be very glad I did extra cooking NOW, so I can relax and enjoy my babymoon with my boys! I've started pulling things together to go into my hospital bag. And Tim has graciously offered his services to make me a birth music playlist for the Ipod. He's also been honing his massage techniques to help me cope through labor. We're still finishing up all the paperwork necessary to get our lil man his record of birth overseas, social security number, and passport. It all seems to being coming together nicely!

We're having professional maternity photos done on saturday at a beach nearby. I'm very excited about it and hopeful that she'll be able to crop out my poor swollen feet! I'll post pictures from our photoshoot as soon as we get them!

Bennet's been his usual wild self lately. Although, in the past month or so, he's become obsessed with the movie Happy Feet. You know, the one with the tap dancing penguin? I told Tim that he may be more into dance than athletics and perhaps we should enroll him in the ballet classes offered on base. And just as Tim was rolling his eyes and saying that Bennet was only running in circles and jumping, little B did a perfect imitation of the tap dance steps up on the screen! It was so cute, and Tim could only sigh and tell me to go ahead with the caveat that when we get back to the states, we enroll him in a more manly style of dance!!

Tim's been working like a madman lately. His department is severely understaffed and since the Navy is broke, it doesn't look like it's going to be getting any better anytime soon. He's counting down the days until his baby vacation. He informed me this morning that he's down to 9!

Well, I better go. I've got a list of things to get done, and only an hour left until t-ball practice!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I was doing so well with 9 posts in March! Then...nothing...for a whole month. Not exactly dependable, huh? Well, I'm gonna play the pregnant card one more time (please don't confuse this with one LAST certainly will not be the last). Anyways, in the last month, quite a bit has happened! I've gotten quite a bit bigger and less comfortable. The pool on base opened up (thank goodness). Bennet started T-ball (more on that later). Tim has been working LONG hours as always. And Squiddy has begun to run out of room.

We're all preparing to head up to Yokosuka in only 2 1/2 weeks! Where has the time gone? We're in the midst of spring cleaning. Who wants to worry about that with a newborn? Unfortunately we've (once again) bitten off more than we can chew and the house is a disaster. Hopefully it will all pay off in the end. In the meantime, we are pretending to not be home whenever the doorbell rings! We've still got a lot left on our list of to-dos including:

Install the car seat
Pack for Yokosuka
Write a birth plan
Finish reading the birth book (Tim!)
Cook and freeze casseroles
Pre-address birth announcement envelopes
Finish spring cleaning
Hire someone to watch our house and water our garden
Find a babysitter for Bennet while we're at the hospital

It seems like a lot to fit into 2 weeks, but I'm sure it will all come together in the end! Luckily I've been nesting since about 20 weeks, so all of Squid's clothes, diapers, and furniture are set up, clean, and ready to go! I even finished embroidering a very special kimono top with his name (his REAL name, not Squiddy). Let's just hope he comes out looking like a ____ ! *wink* Apparently, the hospital I'll be delivering at doesn't provide clothing for the baby. Instead they have tiny paper gowns. Like the kind you wear for a lady exam! Wierd right? So a friend who recently delivered there let me know I should take my own kimono tops for him to wear if I don't want crinkly paper to be the first thing that touches my son!! I'm pretty excited about it. And of course, I made sure to choose embroidery thread that will match the hat I knit for him to wear in the hospital. He really is going to be the cutest baby there -- all the other babies are gonna be jealous!

We've started making plans for the trip as well. We'll be leaving Iwakuni on May 1oth. Oh joy -- spending Mother's day on the train. At least I'll have my favorite boys with me. And you can buy ice cream on the train...which always makes me happy! Monday, I should have an appointment with one of the docotrs at the hospital just to make sure all is well after the trip and to get to know them. Tuesday, I'll be attending the local La Leche League meeting. We don't have a LLL group here in Iwakuni, so I feel very lucky to be able to attend Yokosuka's monthly meeting while we're there! Tim and I have been talking and decided that since I'll be only 37 weeks when we get there and he is taking off a whole month, we should really treat it like a vacation. And because we'll be SO close to Tokyo, we've started to plan a few fun outtings! There are a few things that are "musts" for us. So we'll, be doing those the first week we're there. The first wednesday, we are planning to go to Tokyo Disney!! Tim's already found his Goofy hat and has it ready to go! I'm hoping that a day of walking will help to encourage our little womb buddy to get moving. We're also hoping to have lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe in Tokyo and see the aquarium which is supposed to be absolutely awesome! We may plan one more Tokyo day just for walking around and sightseeing. Other than that, we've got a few other ideas, but it will depend on how I'm feeling and how close I am getting to Squid's big day!

Now, to the grandmas that are reading this blog -- DO NOT WORRY! We're not going anywhere farther than one hour from the hospital. And only if I am not having any pre-labor signs! We will not be having a baby on the It's a Small World Ride! I promise!!

Bennet had his first t-ball game on tuesday. It was....interesting.... Tim and I came to the realization that we may need to step up our retirement fund. It looks like we probably shouldn't rely on Bennet to support us in our old age with his stellar athletic career! It sure is a good thing he's so darn good-looking!

The game itself was actually VERY entertaining! At any point there was at least one kid laying down in the outfield, one throwing his hat in the air, another picking grass, at least two testing to see how hard you can hit with a glove before it hurts, and one crying. About half the kids had no idea what to do after they hit the ball -- there was a pretty good split between chasing the ball, running to 3rd base, standing still, and carryind the bat with them to 1st. All of which really didn't matter, because the other team seemed to have about as much of a clue about fielding as our team did about batting!

Bennet spent the majority of the game dancing to whatever song was currently in his head, wandering around infield, crying because I wouldn't let him climb in the bleachers (he ALWAYS falls in and you have no idea how hard it is to maneuver my VERY pregnant body into the bleachers to retrieve a bleeding, crying child), or climbing the fence behind the home plate. I think he may have a shot at MVP!

And, because I know you don't come here to read my intelligent, witty writing, here are some pics!

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Lately, I've been very toasty...could be the 5 pound heater I've got living inside my belly. Who knows! Anyways, I apparently fan myself quite often because Bennet has started to imitate me by fanning his face and repeating over and over "hot". WELL...last night, Tim was playing with Bennet and asked him what a dinosaur says, to which he replied "roar". Then Tim asked him what a dog says -- "woof". Finally he asked Bennet what a cow says. Bennet stopped and thought before fanning himself and replying "HOT!" And so, here I am, looking like a cow (to my 3 year old at least) at 34 weeks!

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