Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hats for Boys

The boys are just that much closer to ready for the fall and winter! I've got their jackets on my knitting needles right now and am hoping to have them done for our upcoming vacation!!




Michelle said...

Those are so so so cute! You should start a business selling those things!

Anonymous said...

OMG i want one like B's!!!!!!!!!!!

michelle is right you should try selling them. send them to me and i'll put them online from here. your shipping would get complicated!!!! holy cow are they cute...oh and love the hats too! lol love you all and can't wait to see you!!!!

xoxoxoxoxo mimi

Sara said... time to make enough to sell! If I sold them, I'd never be able to make knits for my boys! Maybe one day when they're grown up...

The Ceelens said...

AWESOME HATS! You could make good money off of them...!!(I would buy them!)

Bellamama said...

Adorable! You make me excited to knit.

Unknown said...

noesy blogger sorry, LOVE these! I wish I was crafty